Christmas is fast apporaching

2019 November 20 - 23

Created by Sally Edgington 4 years ago

Well with another hectic year almost under my belt and Christmas fast approaching, my Dad is in my thoughts more than ever. On Saturday I am opening our house to try and raise more money and push towards the £13,000!! I couldn't do any of this if it wasn't for the support of my husband and children. Ant, Joshua and Katie have been with me every step of the way, supporting all my fundraising efforts which takes a lot of our valuable family time up. They never complain and always encourage me as they know how much this legacy means to me. 

My Dad would probably have told me a long time ago to stop! and prioritise my life but my Dad will always be my hero hence why this is so important to me and has become a big part of my life. My dad will always be someone I continue to look up to and always think about the advice I know he would give me.  I can now really understand when I have heard people say that that when you lose someone you just learn to live with it, I feel like I have a pain in me all the time that never goes away, like a piece of me died with my Dad, I don't even think it gets easier, you do just learn to live with the loss. I try and look at any posistives and i think the loss of my Dad and other things that i have been through in my life have made me appreciate everyone and everything i am lucky enough to have in my life, I don't take things for granted, and I live for today and I may not be here tomorrow. I take far too many photos but want my children to be left with all the special memories we create as a family every day. 

I also need to acknwledge the amazing friends we have, many of whom repeatedly support my fundraising efforts, those who have been with me through thick and thin (there have been a few ups and downs along the way!). You all know who you are and I am incredibly proud to call you my friend, in fact many feel like extended family. 

If I could have one last conversation with my Dad it would be to tell him I love him, to seek his approval on how my life has turned out (as it wasn't in a good place when he died), and to give him the biggest hug! x